Our offers

Individual Courses


one-time payment

  • For all fans
  • One course, one price
  • Exclusive knowledge, uniquely delivered
  • Permanent access including masterbook
  • Unlimited streaming in high-end cinema quality


from €20.75 / month*

*with annual billing

  • Access to all courses
  • Frequently added courses
  • Over 140 hours of exclusive knowledge
  • Access for one year, including all masterbooks
  • Unlimited streaming in high-end cinema quality
Buy Masterpass


from €20

Don't know which course?

  • Original gift idea
  • Available instantly
  • Suitable for every occasion
  • Perfect last minute gift
  • Masterpass also available

Our Courses

Your courses, your benefits

Grow with the Masters

Grow with
the Masters

Only the best of the best share their unique expertise with you.

Only the best of the best share their
unique expertise with you.

Anytime, Anywhere

Anytime and

Stream your courses 24/7 from the device of your choice.

Stream your courses 24/7 from the device of your choice.

100% Comprehensible, 100% High Quality

100% Comprehensible,
100% High Quality

Our courses offer the best entertainment with the highest image quality.

Our courses offer the best
entertainment with the highest
image quality.

The Masterbook

The Masterbook

When you buy a video course, you also receive the master's knowledge as a comprehensive pdf to download.

When you buy a video course, you also receive the master's knowledge as a comprehensive pdf to download.
